Caitlin revisits Bremen – In Another Minute (Week 33)

This week my friend Caitlin Cassaro from Brooklyn visited me in Berlin. We met about 7 years ago on a film set and I quickly learned that she had not only traveled Europe extensively, but that a long time ago she had lived in Germany for a while – in Bremen to be more precise.

How would you end up in Bremen out of all places in Germany? Her response: how did you end up in Gainesville, FL out of all places in the US? Uh… I guess you just meet the right people at the right time that embrace and inspire you.

I remember us fantasizing about visiting Bremen together one day. A very far-fetched idea since we both lived in Brooklyn. Except, of course, now I live in Germany so I can reconnect. And now Caitlin actually came to visit – and let me tag along on her trip back to Bremen, where we visited the Christmas Market (to have some delicious Glühwein), checked out the Bremer Stadtmusikanten and had a wonderful evening with her dear friend Daniel and her other awesome friends (who apparently are part of the Bremen-Oakland-Bath / B.O.B. punk family).

Don’t you love it when things actually work out?

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