Prairie Dogs – In A Colorado Minute (Week 203)

Prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) can be found all over the North America’s prairie and grasslands, including right here in Fort Collins, Colorado. Considered a disease-carrying pest by most locals and an easy to find shooting target for others, I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks they’re rather adorable looking.

About the size of rabbits, they make squeaking sounds like guinea pigs, they also remind you of a mix between a squirrel and a rat. Since I have no love for either of those animals when it comes to my garden and house, I understand how frustrating it must be to have prairie dogs dig up your yard and build their borrows and mounts.

While I was able to get relatively near to these animals living around a parking lot (Jax Mercantile) and model plane airfield, I never wished for a stronger zoom lens more than this week. Maybe later this year I’ll have the gear to get a little closer with some wild animals…

What struck me most about these critters was how absolutely still they can sit or stand when they sense danger. Whiskey is almost as still when she does her “prairie dog” stance, which she happens to be doing right now next to me… begging for treats. Tststs.

The music in this video is called “Rain Hogs” and was written and performed by Jason Matherne.

This video is dedicated to Peter Verchick of Flower Power Botanticals, who has a different kind of appreciation for prairie dogs than I do.

If you like animal videos and want to see more prairie dogs, check out this video I shot in Berlin last year: Tierpark Zoo – In A Berlin Minute (Week 163)

In other news, I just published a vlog with updates relating to this web series.

Watch it in English:

Watch it in German:

MIN 203 Prairie Dogs_s

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