"July" tag

Spree River Boat Tour – In A Berlin Minute (Week 11)

A Spree river boat tour is the fastest, most relaxed and coolest way (during this heatwave, especially) to see the historic downtown buildings and the ultra modern government district. It took me years…

Garbage Planking

Planking – In A Berlin Minute (Week 61)

Planking aka the Lying Down Game aka Face Downs apparently has been around since 1997 – but has gained more popularity over the last two years in England and then Australia – and…

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Szczecin (Stettin), Poland – In Another Minute (Week 168)

With Poland being only a 2-hour train ride away from Berlin (and me loving train travel as much as exploring new places*) a trip to the historic city of Szczecin (German: Stettin) was…

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My Mother’s Flower Garden – In Another Minute (Week 169)

To me this may just be the most beautiful place in the world: my mother’s flower garden (Der Blumengarten meiner Mutter) in the Haseldorfer Marsch (seen in week 19), just outside of Hamburg….

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Abandoned Gardens – Verlassener Schrebergarten – In A Berlin Minute (Week 117)

This is one of the most atmospheric places I’ve been to in Berlin. Schrebergärten aka allotment gardens have been quite popular in German cities. People who live in apartments rent a little garden with a…

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Sunrise Time Lapse – In A Berlin Minute (Week 116)

Look who’s back in Berlin! Me… and the sun. Well, actually the sun mostly hides behind clouds. Only one of many challenges in trying to film a sunrise. For one: do YOU know…

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The Official Planking Song by The Planksters (In A Berlin Minute – Bonus Clip for Week 61)

FINALLY HERE: The official, exclusive full-length Planking song by The Planksters (aka Four Dollar Wine). This comes as a bonus clip to “Planking – In A Berlin Minute (Week 61)” Here are the…

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