Ruegen (Baltic Sea Island) – In Another Minute (Week 123)

Rügen (Ruegen) is Germany’s largest island and is located just off the coast in the Baltic Sea, a few hours drive from Berlin.

Because my friend Ginger is currently visiting from Brooklyn and my friend Judith was about to start a new job, we decided to have one more proper holiday and take a road trip up to the coast. We ended up checking out a few towns and beaches on Ruegen.

We had fun driving through the sunny countryside, bouncing on a trampoline in Binz and eating Fischbrötchen with Butterfisch (best fish Ginger ever had) in Sellin. It was a great way to enjoy one of the last days of summer.

The song is “Swarm The Hill” by Jason Matherne of Goonygoogoo Productions.

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You can look at more photos from this video shoot on my personal blog: Photos from Insel Ruegen (Baltic Sea, Ostsee).





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