Most of the spring wildflowers seen in this video I filmed last week in Lory State Park, outside of Fort Collins, Colorado. A few of the images are from other times and places, including a venture across the border into Wyoming a few weeks ago and an overcast day at Horsetooth Reservoir in late April.
I’m dedicating this video to my father, Günter Westphal, because he’s such an amazing wildflower photographer, as you can see in “Günter Westphal Photo Exhibit – In A Berlin Minute (Week 6),” and because today is Vatertag (Father’s Day) in Germany.
The images at the end of the video are pictures I previously published via Instagram. Would love to connect with you there:
If you enjoyed this video about spring wildflowers, you might want to check out the video I made about the local wild flowers during the summer: “Summer Wildflowers – In A Colorado Minute (Week 166)”
The song in the video is the instrumental version of “Mona Lisa” by Josh Woodward. This song is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License. Thank you, Josh!
You can look at more photos from this video shoot on my personal blog: Photos of Colorado Wildflowers in Spring