Tacheles Kunsthaus – In A Berlin Minute (Week 38)

Tacheles Kunsthaus is a large art house in Berlin Mitte – featuring galleries, studios, shops, cafes, a movie theater and lots and lots of sculptures, grafitti and any visual arts the creative mind can think up.

A few days ago a guy* I know in Philadelphia (US) posted on Facebook an article from a UK paper about Tacheles, an art collective here in my neighborhood in Berlin. The article’s focus was the imminent danger of Tacheles closing. With such a global alert, it was high time I made a 1-minute video about it.

It used to be a squat – and one of my favorite Berlin memories is going to one of their huge parties in the early 90s when the back wall was still missing, the courtyard teaming with people in the semi-dark and Berlin full of unlimited possibilities.

Later on Tacheles got a proper lease, which has now expired – and with the entire neighborhood having been gentrified and becoming high-rent, it’s not clear how long Tacheles can hold out against the desires of developers. The apparent goal of the “I Support Tacheles” campaign is to have the actual art house be turned over to a public foundation so its existence can continue. 

A quick word to the video: I decided to avoid shooting “sell-able” art as much as possible, to not infringe on someone’s copyright – and also because of all the “no photos” signs.

If you are (ever) in Berlin, please make sure to check out the actual art on display and, if you can, spend some money…

The featured song “Q” is by Berlin musician Tans. Tans’ YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/heimat35piu1

We found each other via YouTube. I’m always looking for instrumental music I can use in these short videos for free. If you’re into that, please let me know.

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* For you film people and activists out there: the “guy from Philly” is Scott Beibin of the Lost Film Fest and Evil Twin Booking.

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