"September" tag

Berlin Churches of the 1989 Peaceful Revolution / Kirchen der Friedlichen Revolution – In A Berlin Minute (Week 126)

In days like these, when there are so many uprisings that are answered by violence, I thought it would be a good idea to focus on a positive aspect in German history: The…

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Peak-to-Peak Highway – In A Colorado Minute (Week 234)

The Peak-to-Peak Highway in Colorado is the oldest Scenic Byway in the United States of America, established in 1918. That’s quite a claim. So I was thrilled for us to take this drive…

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Haseldorfer Marsch – In Another Minute (Week 19)

Waaay out in the country – this is where I grew up: Haseldorfer Marsch. Quite a contrast to New York City and Berlin! But actually this beautiful patch of Northern German country side, where…

9/11 Ground Zero – WTC 2001/2011 [extended version]

This video of 9/11 Ground Zero is the extended version of my 1-minute video “Ground Zero – WTC 2001/2011 – In A Brooklyn Minute (Week 72)”. The video features photos I’ve taken on…


Berlin Street Art 2012 (East) – In A Berlin Minute (Week 124)

For this third annual Berlin Street Art video (the others: Week 18 in 2010 and Week 68 in 2011) I let Berlin blogger and street art photographer David Yates take me on a tour through Prenzlauer…

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Street Art 2010 – In A Berlin Minute (Week 18)

I love the street art in Berlin – graffiti, murals, stencils, slogans, stickers, poster-sized prints and my favorites: prints that have been cut out to match the shape of the image – especially…


Drive-In Movie Theater – In A Colorado Minute (Week 227)

Fun highlights of this and last year’s summer have been our evenings at the Holiday Twin Drive-In Movie Theater  in Fort Collins, Colorado. Making it a romantic date or a whole party with…

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Devils Tower aka Bear Lodge (Wyoming) – In Another Minute (Week 228)

Devils Tower in northeastern Wyoming is a powerful sight to behold. Rising 1,267 feet (386 m) above the surrounding mellow hills, forests and grasslands and with the summit at 5,114 feet / 1,559…

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Designed by Luci Westphal

Produced by GHWP