The Berlin Zoo Aquarium opened in 1913 as part of the world-renowned Berlin Zoological Garden (Zoologischer Garten Berlin). It houses over 9,000 animals over three floors, including fish, reptiles and insects. For this video I only concentrated on the fish (and two jelly fish).
This video is dedicated to Scott Solary. After 160 weekly 1-minute videos in just over three years, it was long overdue to make a video especially for him, the person who has supported and helped me the most with this series and pretty much all of my film and video projects. Thank you, Scott. While in other 1-minute videos I’ve often included shots especially for Scott (as I have for other people), making a video about fish was all for him. Hope everyone else still enjoys it.
The featured song is “Twilight” by Jason Matherne.
You can look at more photos from this video shoot on my personal blog: Photos from the Zoo Aquarium Berlin.