Lake Time-Lapse (Horsetooth Reservoir) – In A Colorado Minute (Week 220)

Sometimes you just need to breathe and relax. And I hope this lake time-lapse video of clouds, boats and water action around Horsetooth Reservoir (Fort Collins, Colorado) will give you just that – even if only for a minute.

I’ve had an intense work week, and there had been so much rain keeping me from enjoying the outdoors, that the four hours I got to spend in the sunshine with our dog while the camera clicked away every 5 seconds was exactly what I needed.

The thing I appreciate so much about time-lapse videos is that you realize aspects of your surroundings that you wouldn’t have noticed in the regular speed of life. In the case of this video, I found the movements (especially the little circles) of the boats fascinating and the fact how many boats were out there on a regular Thursday around noon. But the really striking realization is that the clouds above the Foothills (of the Rocky Mountains) don’t move much, they just keep evaporating and then building back up. So cool!

The happy tune is called “Swan King” and was written and performed by Jason Matherne of Goonygoogoo Productions:

Horsetooth Reservoir

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