Take the M29 Bus with me from Neukölln via Kreuzkölln (or if you want to embrace the uber-hipness or mega gentrification even more: Krzkln) to East Kreuzberg (SO 36 or X-berg, if you will) and back.
From Hermannplatz to Moritzplatz and back to Spreewaldplatz – along Sonnenallee, Glogauer Strasse, Ohlauerstrasse, Wiener Strasse and Oranienstrasse – all at 3 times the usual speed.
By the way, personally I think the more interesting parts come in the second half of the video.
This is a bonus clip for Oranienstrasse (M29) – In A Berlin Minute (Week 59), which shows only the famous Oranienstrasse (from West to East).
The song is called “Pieces of Me” and was written and performed by Jason Matherne and band for Goonygoogoo Productions.