Fasten your seat belts… you’re about to embark on a super fast (time lapse) ride through the heart of Berlin on the 100 bus!
It was only a matter of time that I would bring you one minute from the popular public bus route 100, which takes you from the heart of former West Berlin (Bahnhof Zoo + Gedächtniskirche) to the heart of former East Berlin (Alexanderplatz + TV Tower) – passing several of the major sights along the way.
This week was perfect for this video because I’ve been trying to fight off a cold and an easy ride on the warm bus and then a quick edit seemed ideal.
Unfortunately, yesterday was the only cloudy day and then the Gedächtniskirche is under construction, so you can’t really see it. But I’ve decided to turn it into a positive: now I’ll have an idea for a summer-time follow-up video.
If you want to watch the more complete ride, including the view from the other direction (Alexanderplatz to Bahnhof Zoo), you can watch the Bonus Video for Week 45.
The wonderfully peppy music is the song “Rain Hogs” by Jason Matherne aka YouTube channel lljamelle11.