I LOVE to travel. And I mean the actual movement from point A to point B. I’m a huge fan of road trips. But there’s a special place in my heart for train travel – particularly on the German ICE train.*
During the 41 weeks since I’ve moved to Berlin, I’ve gone on countless train trips between Berlin and Hamburg to see my parents and some of my oldest friends.
This one-minute video shows you impressions out the window of the Berlin-Hamburg-Berlin ICE (Intercity-Express) from all four seasons (including this 41st week). It will take you from summer to fall, winter, spring and back to summer. Because summer is the best!
By the way I ended up not messing with the speed of the shots – the high-speed trains tend to vary in speed depending on the situation.
Talented and generous Florida musician Jason Matherne let me use another great song from his collection: “Brujera”
* If there are no delays, canceled trains, missing cars (which had my reserved seat), broken air conditioner, stinky smells…