One of the intriguing features of the Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden are all the people participating in cosplay, which is a combination of wearing a costume and role-playing based on certain characters (from an anime series, for example) or an idea.
Even though the cherry trees bloomed very early this year and most of the blooms were already gone, I was still going to show you some of the other beautiful spring blooms, like azaleas, tulips and the Japanese peony. But when I tried to squeeze it all into one minute it became obvious that there was no room for the plant life.
I’ll make another video about the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in the future.
This is the video that marks 2 years of consecutive episodes of 1-minute videos from Berlin, Brooklyn and wherever the week took me; published as “German New Yorker in Berlin”, “In A Berlin Minute” and currently “In A Brooklyn Minute”.
I’m really excited that for this video I could use a song from my friend Christia’s band Girls On Film.
Just to make sure no one thinks I was calling them “not beautiful” (quite on the contrary) here are the lyrics from “Toxic Society” featured in the video.
Powers that be tell us what to see
And they’ve got nothing to do with reality
And the message is clear
All you have to fear is the best you can do is not good enough
What can we do? We are just a few
An idea by itself is a freakish thing
We bought what they sold, follow what we’re told
Rock the boat, sink yourself for an oddity
You’ll never hear that you’re beautiful
You’ll never hear that you’re beautiful just the way you are