A day in the life of the Manhattan skyline as seen from a window in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Time lapse of an unexpectedly cloudless April 4th.
Thank you to Meghan Scibona (SMXL) for letting me stay at her place glued to the window from 5:45am to 10:30pm (and for making delicious food) and to Scott Colthorp for lending me his fancy Canon 5D camera + time lapse rig and Scott Solary for everything else (including lending me his laptop when mine just couldn’t cut it anymore).
I’m not really sure what is causing all the little bumps – it almost seems like it was on auto-focus and kept readjusting, which it wasn’t. I threw in the zoom in post, so that didn’t have anything to do with it.
Thank you to Jason Matherne (Goonygoogoo Productions) for providing yet another great song: “Twilight”.